Past Goals:
-Make a cement Vessel with lath or start on one
-Make some more soap bags
-Order more Supplies to make more soap,
-Look into how to make larger soap sculptures
-Start on a Large Drawing (combine some images)
-Photograph more
-Work on my Courage
-Blog 2 more times in sooner time frame!
Recap of goals- KINDA FAIL
-Ummm… I got sculpture in the TAGGED student show!! And won Peoples
Choice Award!!!!
- Researched what to use instead of palm oil. New book to arrive today
- still working on Large Drawing
-✔-Working on my Courage!- every day!
Most days I feel that I procrastinate more than I work and most days that is true. This is something I am trying to work on. SO today we are going to acknowledge this struggle. I know as an artist/ student my work ethic needs some work. How does one develop a work ethic, a place and time to work in the studio? How does one add in fitness, work, SLEEP , eating…. For me this is something that I am working on. My journal is a constant in my life, something I quickly grab to remind myself of what needs to get done or something that needs to be jotted down so that my ever-changing thought does not drift away. For in my life there is many things I feel need to get done or there are many things that must get done and there are many things that are done. That was a bit confusing even for me. So lets take a step into my brain.
I feel my lists get longer and the dishes need to be put away, this project in the garage needs to be done. Oh look bailey he needs some love. Oh I need to do this. I need to do that….. this could go on forever but you get the point. During this banter inside my head I get stuff done. I get more ideas running as I am moving between projects. Then I get this project done, that idea more concrete, the dishes done. But seriously what gets a work ethic down…..
Practice. That is what it takes. So much practice…. Time and dedication. Some of those things I have…. All of this I am working on though. In all truth its hard for me, I get side tracked. I choose now to start trying harder to stay on task. So now on to some real news!
In past month lots has happened. I entered two of my sculptures in the TAGGED Juried Student Show. One of my pieces made it in!! I also was nominated for Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Awards. This means that I can enter 2-3 of my sculptures in this show. Who knows I might actually make it in and get to travel to New Jersey for this competition! This means more work to achieve my goals but I can do this!!! I also got an email from Patrick Jacobs, which was so encouraging! During my time with Patrick while he was here he really thought it would be interesting if one of my pieces could be a wearable. This in my brain I didn’t really like it until my Friend Arthur asked if he could try it on. I have included some images of him sporting my wonderful pink burlap creation!
- “I wish you good luck on those wonderful fabric and wire pieces. Hammer away at them. Left, right, top, bottom, inside, outside, up and down. Remember, it's ok to be clandestine for a little while too as you work. Hold onto your initial thoughts and don't be distracted by others until you're ready. Like a mad animal scratching away at the inside of your skull, let it out. You, it and we will all be better off when you do.”
My current sculpture in the TAG gallery is one my most successful pieces! It is a piece that has given me a lot of joy and lots of time tweaking. This piece took a collected 100 hours over the course of a few months. Does this mean anything no not really…. Time in an Artist life never stops. We are always thinking. What does all this time spent making a piece mean? It means that this piece is resolved. It took a lot of brain thought, in that procrastination / brain space.
For this piece I won “The Peoples Choice Award”, this is done during the opening of the show. The attendees vote on their favorite piece of art work in the gallery. This is such a big Honor. I already have felt that piece was a success but now, WOW!
So I will work harder, Dream bigger and Strive to achieve these amazing dreams I have!
Please let me know what you think! Also here is a link to an Article I am in!
-Make a cement Vessel with lath or start on one
-Make some more soap bags
-Order more Supplies to make more soap,
-Look into how to make larger soap sculptures
-Start on a Large Drawing (combine some images)
-Photograph more
-Work on my Courage
-Blog 2 more times in sooner time frame!
Recap of goals- KINDA FAIL
-Ummm… I got sculpture in the TAGGED student show!! And won Peoples
Choice Award!!!!
- Researched what to use instead of palm oil. New book to arrive today
- still working on Large Drawing
-✔-Working on my Courage!- every day!
Most days I feel that I procrastinate more than I work and most days that is true. This is something I am trying to work on. SO today we are going to acknowledge this struggle. I know as an artist/ student my work ethic needs some work. How does one develop a work ethic, a place and time to work in the studio? How does one add in fitness, work, SLEEP , eating…. For me this is something that I am working on. My journal is a constant in my life, something I quickly grab to remind myself of what needs to get done or something that needs to be jotted down so that my ever-changing thought does not drift away. For in my life there is many things I feel need to get done or there are many things that must get done and there are many things that are done. That was a bit confusing even for me. So lets take a step into my brain.
I feel my lists get longer and the dishes need to be put away, this project in the garage needs to be done. Oh look bailey he needs some love. Oh I need to do this. I need to do that….. this could go on forever but you get the point. During this banter inside my head I get stuff done. I get more ideas running as I am moving between projects. Then I get this project done, that idea more concrete, the dishes done. But seriously what gets a work ethic down…..
Practice. That is what it takes. So much practice…. Time and dedication. Some of those things I have…. All of this I am working on though. In all truth its hard for me, I get side tracked. I choose now to start trying harder to stay on task. So now on to some real news!
In past month lots has happened. I entered two of my sculptures in the TAGGED Juried Student Show. One of my pieces made it in!! I also was nominated for Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Awards. This means that I can enter 2-3 of my sculptures in this show. Who knows I might actually make it in and get to travel to New Jersey for this competition! This means more work to achieve my goals but I can do this!!! I also got an email from Patrick Jacobs, which was so encouraging! During my time with Patrick while he was here he really thought it would be interesting if one of my pieces could be a wearable. This in my brain I didn’t really like it until my Friend Arthur asked if he could try it on. I have included some images of him sporting my wonderful pink burlap creation!
- “I wish you good luck on those wonderful fabric and wire pieces. Hammer away at them. Left, right, top, bottom, inside, outside, up and down. Remember, it's ok to be clandestine for a little while too as you work. Hold onto your initial thoughts and don't be distracted by others until you're ready. Like a mad animal scratching away at the inside of your skull, let it out. You, it and we will all be better off when you do.”
My current sculpture in the TAG gallery is one my most successful pieces! It is a piece that has given me a lot of joy and lots of time tweaking. This piece took a collected 100 hours over the course of a few months. Does this mean anything no not really…. Time in an Artist life never stops. We are always thinking. What does all this time spent making a piece mean? It means that this piece is resolved. It took a lot of brain thought, in that procrastination / brain space.
For this piece I won “The Peoples Choice Award”, this is done during the opening of the show. The attendees vote on their favorite piece of art work in the gallery. This is such a big Honor. I already have felt that piece was a success but now, WOW!
So I will work harder, Dream bigger and Strive to achieve these amazing dreams I have!
Please let me know what you think! Also here is a link to an Article I am in!